Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I’m sitting here in front of my computer doing the one thing that I “swore” I’d NEVER get into – blogging!!! What is blogging anyway? And who came up with a term like that? It almost sounds like a nice way to say whining or complaining or blabbing – I don’t know if I like ANY of those definitions. Here is one thing that I promise I won’t do:
I won’t whine (unless absolutely necessary)
I won’t complain (unless it is the last resort)
I won’t blab (unless I’m telling you about something good!!)
Now that all of that is out of the way – Let’s BLOG!!

I’m not sure how I will handle this whole blogging thing. I would like feedback from my educator friends, so if there is something you’d like for me to talk about, or if you have something great to share – please do!! I know that I will include lots of motivational phrases and some funny stuff too (as working with children provides new material daily :):) ). Above all – I will praise you and share what I know with you. Together, we will make it through this whole “education journey” and we will explore various strategies that will help us believe that we can do great things.

There is no greater joy than knowing that you are important to someone and that someone believes in you. We will talk about pleasant things and even discuss not so pleasant things (if you wish).

If I find out about a new strategy – I’ll share it.
If I read an interesting article – I’ll share it.
If I create a new game or activity – I’ll share it.

This blog will help us become friends and colleagues. I need for you to share as well. When we believe in each other, we can make a difference.

“We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately!”
Benjamin Franklin

This past week was very stress-free for me. That’s RIGHT – stress free. How excellent is that!!??? This week I was keynote speaker for two different Teacher Appreciation banquets. I love those events because I get the chance to tell teachers how amazing they are!! The turn out was greater than either organization expected (I’d like to think it was because of me, but the food may have taken the cake - okay that was corny!! :) ).The idea that teachers can share a nice relaxing evening together brings the “joy of teaching” to one grand location.

I have learned over the years that people do not choose to teach – teaching chooses them!! In other words, it would be so easy to say, “I want to be a teacher”. But to commit your heart and soul to it, means that teaching has chosen you. When you can find that thing that connects your soul to the rest of the world, you have found the answer to your prayers for passion. I remember when I first started in the education field, I never knew that I would find a career in teaching. It has opened up an amazing world for me and I can’t imagine ever looking back. There is a struggle for me daily because I’d love to have a classroom and have the same kids daily. Fortunately, my job as a writer allows me to touch MANY lives. So for now, I’ll totally enjoy being an author and traveling to different schools.

***Please share with me why YOU love teaching – what is it about the profession that captures your heart and soul??

First student: “How old is Professor Greene?”
Second Student: “Pretty old. They say he used to teach Shakespeare.”
By Mildred Meiers and Jack Knapp

No matter how old you feel, know that there is someone older

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